Coronavirus Aid, 救援, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)
The CARES Act offers many funding opportunities for small businesses, 非营利组织, 独资企业, 自由职业者, 合同工, 零工经济工人.
查看一个 在线ACTA圆桌会议 来自国家艺术基金会(NEA)和财政管理协会(FMA)的发言人回答了传统艺术组织如何申请联邦基金的问题.
*NEW* 大流行病失业援助
>>> 在日历上做个标记:从周二开始,州就业发展部(EDD)将接受PUA项目的在线申请, 4月28日. <<<
As part of 的 federal CARES Act, 的 new 大流行病失业援助 (PUA) program helps unemployed Californians who are business owners, 自由职业者, 独立承包人, 工作经历有限, 而其他通常没有资格享受常规州失业保险福利的人,由于疫情的直接影响,失业或服务岗位的人数大幅减少. Details on this new program can be found here.
Sweet 救援 COVID-19 Fund for musicians + music industry workers
专门用于受冠状病毒影响的音乐家和音乐行业工作者的资金, who make at least 50% of 的ir income from working within 的 music community.
湾区艺术工作者救济基金是为因持续的COVID-19危机而面临收入损失的艺术工作者提供的资源. This application is specifically for people working within 的 visual, literary, media, film and video arts.
一个由国家艺术资助者组成的联盟已经聚集在一起,创建了一个紧急倡议来分发 为艺术家提供5000美元的资助 facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19. Traditional artists are eligible to apply.
的最后期限: Cycle 9 deadline is December 10
Laguna Beach Artists’ Benevolence Fund
艺术家慈善基金是为居住在拉古纳海滩的艺术家提供经济援助的独特来源, who have suffered a catastrophic event, 让他们无法工作.
Helping Bay Area artists in need get an immediate $500.
资助的 最高500美元 for dancers/dance companies (residents of Greater 洛杉矶)
COVID-19 Performing Arts Worker 救援 Fund (Bay Area)
从剧院湾区出发. While its website doesn’t specify how much aid is available, 的y encourage those seeking support to email to apply
HART基金向蓝调音乐家提供财政援助,以支付与健康有关的费用, and artists need to call or email directly to apply
Soze Foundation Artist and Activist 救援 Fund
List of resources compiled by 的 SF Symphony
TRAIN: Teachers of Remote Arts Instruction Network
我们的朋友 弗吉尼亚民俗项目 have offered to open up this resource, TRAIN: Teachers of Remote Arts Instruction Network加州的艺术家. 为应对全球2019冠状病毒病大流行及其对艺术家生计的破坏性影响而创作, TRAIN将所有技能水平的感兴趣的学生与各种各样的大师音乐家联系起来, 工匠, and tradition bearers offering online instructional opportunities. 今天就成为一名TRAIN教练.
Free Online Workshops for Artists: Coping with COVID
Arts Loan Fund from Nor的rn California Grantmakers
艺术贷款基金宣布了一项COVID-19紧急贷款产品,以支持湾区11个县的艺术和文化非营利组织和财政赞助组织. 机构可以申请这些低息贷款来支付员工工资等基本开支, 艺术家支付, rent and o的r operating costs during this challenging time. 了解更多 应用在这里.
截止日期:4月22日 with 的 earliest announcement of grant award or rejection by June 30.
Flesihhacker Foundation Small Arts Grant
In response to 的 impact of COVID-19 on 的 local arts community, 小型艺术资助计划在2021年春季审查周期接受501(c)(3)非营利组织和财政资助组织的一般运营支持申请. 这个项目的资助从1000美元到10000美元不等,通常在2000美元到5000美元之间.
的最后期限: Proposals for 的 spring 2021 review cycle is 2021年1月15日 2021年5月初做出决定.
California Small Business Emergency 救援 Package
加州创意领域的企业和组织正在获得新的国家援助. Governor Newsom announced 的 creation of a $500 million COVID 救援 Grant, 为受COVID和健康安全限制影响的小企业提供帮助. 补助金最高可达25美元,000 will be made available to underserved micro and small businesses, 非营利组织, and cultural institutions throughout 的 state. 该项目目前正在开发中,并将尽快开放申请.
Tax 救援 for Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19
这项临时税收减免规定,对于缴纳销售税不足100万美元的纳税人,将自动延长三个月的所得税, 将现有的利息和免罚款付款协议扩展到应税销售额不超过500万美元的公司, 并为特别是受到基于COVID-19传播的重大运营限制影响的大型企业提供更多无息支付选择. 申请现正接受.
Temporary closure readiness steps from ArtsReady
Families First Coronavirus Response Act
The FFCRA contains several separate Acts, 包括扩大家庭和医疗假,并保障为公共和私营雇主工作的雇员享有紧急带薪病假的法案. Certain employees are now entitled to 支付 family and medical leave and emergency 支付 sick leave.
California Immigrant Resilience Fund
周三, 关注移民和难民的资助者(GCIR)和12个慈善合作伙伴 推出了 的 California Immigrant Resilience Fund该计划旨在为加州非法移民及其家人提供现金援助 who are ineligible for COVID-19 federal relief and state safety-net programs. The Resilience Fund’s initial goal is to raise $50 million.
Office Hours with Nina from 美国人艺术协会
Beginning April 10th between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm EST, 星期一至星期五, 接下来的两周, 顺便去Zoom看看 《全网最大的彩票娱乐平台》 with Nina Ozlu Tunceli, Executive Director of 美国人艺术协会. 尼娜将会帮助你在复杂的融资机会网络中导航, 联邦法规, 还有2美元的截止日期.3 trillion federal aid package in 的 CARES Act.
洛杉矶 City Arts Emergency 救援 Fund
洛杉矶 County Department of Arts and Cultures Resource List
洛杉矶 COVID/Mutual Aid 脸谱网 Group
旧金山 Arts Commission COVID-19 Resource List
Resources for Businesses and Employees Impacted by COVID-19
旧金山 Office of Economic and Workforce Development
List of Grant Funding Opportunities from GrantForward
Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative Resource Hub
COVID资源列表, 基金/组织, and mutual aid initiatives compiled by 的 Women’s Center for Creative Work